Kirchoff-Bunsen’s Spectroscope Manufacturer and Supplier in Algeria

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Product details

Cat. No. : “EDU241/039”
The item is mounted on a circular metal platform
It is composed of:
1 collector with adjustable slit
1 collector with graduated scale
1 collimator
With 2 interchangeable eyepieces.
The slit of the collector is supplied with a small prism which allows
you to compare the spectrum of two different sources.
While the collector
Equipped with achromatic objective, is fixed to the platform
The collimator can rotate on an alidade
Keeping the directional axis in the center of the apparatus.
The collector with graduated scale requires a small white light source to project the image of the scale in the eyepiece of the collimator by means of the reflection on a face of the prism.
The equilateral prism made of highly dispersive material.
With this device you can study the spectrum of a source of monochromatic or polychromatic light.
We recommend the use of interferential filters to the check of the wavelength.