Hand Held Refractometer

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Model: EDU229/025
Salt or salinity is measured in food processing and manufacturing. The control of sauces, mixtures and the dilution of concentrates requires prope control through measurement rather than relying on one's taste buds.
Trans Instruments offers two models of salinity Refractometer for these purposes. The RSAOIOOA displays readings in parts per thousand (ppt) 0r specific gravity, while the RSA0028A dis lay readin s in % of salt.
For marine aquaria, the RSAO I OOA also displays the specific gravity and is controlled between 1.020 to 1.026for the optimum health of aquatic life. Range: O to 100% (ppt) I to 1.027 SG
Resolution: 1% (ppt) 0.001SG
Accuracy: ± 1% (ppt) ±0.001 SG